Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Amazon, Neofeudal empires, and the Violence of Financial Capitalism

According to Publishers Lunch, who is doing a fantastic job of reporting - Amazon listed the new Kristin Hannah ("Winter Garden") kindle edition at $29.99 list/$16.99 selling price with a buy now button. Subsequent to this report at 3:20pm, however, the listing was removed and replaced by the "tell the publisher" you'd like to read this on kindle. There has been no explanation of this yet.

Barnes and Noble lists the e-book at $14.99. This would almost certainly have been a $9.99 for Amazon in the old days (prior to Friday evening). You can avoid all of this hooey and buy the book off of our shelves.

Speaking of books and fundamentally related to above - received new book from MIT Press that analyzes the financial crisis with an economic-philosophical bent. "The Violence of Financial Capitalism" by Christian Marazzi. He speaks of the "fictitious capital" that helped to wreak the havoc - a concept used by our old friend, K. Marx, in his third volume of "Capital". If you like critical theory, you'll like this book (and you might like it if you don't). The book is a very reasonable $12.99.

Also, while speaking of pertinent new titles - "Cornered: The New Monopoly Capitalism and the Economics of Destruction" is well worth investigating. Neofeudalist empires controlling industry and commerce - not for the faint of heart but, if knowledge is power, perhaps it can make a real difference. If nothing else, it provides strange solace. Read it and weep.

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